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Shades of teeth: a spotlight on teeth stains

Shades of teeth: a spotlight on teeth stains

Frequent tea, coffee, wine, smoking, and ageing cause teeth to discolour.
Teeth stain
Representational Image | Shutterstock

TV advertisements for toothbrushes and toothpaste have long marketed clear, white, sparkling teeth as healthy. However, this is not true.

We have two types of teeth during our lifetime. First, the primary teeth that develop in toddlers, called milk teeth because of their white appearance. Second, permanent teeth, which appear off-white to yellowish-white.

Natural tooth colour 

The colour or shade of teeth varies from person to person, like skin colour. A tooth comprises three layers: enamel, dentin, and pulp. Enamel is the outer layer that covers the teeth. Dentin is present beneath the enamel and is slightly yellowish. Since the enamel is translucent, it reflects the colour of dentin, resulting in a yellowish or off-white appearance of the teeth.

Natural factors   

As we grow older, our skin and hair show signs of ageing. Similarly, teeth undergo gradual changes in shade and darken as we age. “Thinning of enamel and exposure of underlying dentin influence the tooth colour,” says Dr S Saranya Sri, a consultant dentist from Chennai. However, stains can cause teeth discolouration in some people.

Brown discolouration 

Muthulakshmi N (63) from Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, has been chewing betel leaves and nuts for almost 15 years. “Chewing betel leaves and nuts gives me satisfaction after the meal,” says Muthulakshmi.

Frequent chewing of betel nuts resulted in reddish-brown stains over her teeth. In addition, she had spaces between her teeth. Pieces of nut got lodged in the spaces and caused discomfort. Once, a piece got stuck in her last tooth. She tried to remove it with a toothpick, resulting in gum inflammation.

She consulted a dentist who performed scaling (removal of tooth deposits) to remove her stains and nut pieces. He advised her to stop consuming betel nuts as they cause tooth discolouration.

Muthulakshmi admits, “Initially, it was difficult to overcome my habit. However, gradually, I stopped having betel nuts. Nowadays, I chew only betel leaves.”

Extrinsic stains 

These stains are present on the outer surface of the teeth. Frequent consumption of beverages such as tea and coffee and fruits such as pomegranates, berries, and grapes can stain teeth. The stains also form due to poor oral hygiene and smoking.

Intrinsic stains 

This type of tooth stain is discolouration that occurs inside the tooth. “Medication, injury to the tooth, excessive exposure to fluoride from drinking water, tooth decay, and developmental disorders result in intrinsic stains,” says Dr Shabeer Ahamed, a professor of gums and laser specialist from Smile Station, Bengaluru.

Protective measures 

Dr Ahamed and Dr Saranya Sri suggest the following methods to protect your teeth against stains.

  • Avoid frequently consuming carbonated beverages as they cause tooth wear and stain.
  • Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco as it causes gum diseases, bad breath, and stains.
  • Avoid using vinegar, baking soda, tooth powders, and charcoal to whiten the teeth. Long-term use of these products can wear away the teeth enamel and result in sensitivity.
  • Gargle your mouth with water after consuming tea and coffee.
  • Using fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouthwash prevents cavities and strengthens the enamel.

Gentle brushing 

Some people try to brush their teeth hard to remove the stains. “Though brushing hard removes the surface stains, it wears away the teeth’s enamel. In addition, it damages the gums and exposes the teeth’s roots,” says Dr Saranya.

She adds that proper brushing techniques using soft-bristled brushes are essential to keep gums and teeth healthy. Electric toothbrushes are equally efficient in reducing stains and improving oral hygiene.

Whitening toothpaste 

Whitening toothpaste contains peroxide that scrubs away stains and lightens tooth colour. However, it takes some time to whiten with everyday usage. It helps remove surface stains but not intrinsic stains.

A 2022 study published in F1000 Research says that overusing whitening toothpaste can affect teeth’s mineral content. So, it is essential to consult your dentist about the duration of use.

What you can do if you have stained teeth

Dr Saranya Sri says your dentist can help you manage stained teeth with these professional measures: 

  • External stains caused by tea, coffee, and tobacco can be removed with a cleaning method called scaling.
  • You can opt for bleaching.
  • If one or more teeth are discoloured, artificial crowns (tooth caps) can be used to cover the discolouration.
  • In cases of multiple teeth stains, mainly due to overexposure to fluoridated water, veneers can be used to cover the front surfaces of the teeth.

You can also learn about the benefits of flossing.

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