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108 Surya Namaskars – a complete guide to all you need to know

108 Surya Namaskars – a complete guide to all you need to know

108 Surya Namaskars in one session? No mean feat, but also not as tough as it sounds. Here’s all you need to know about one of the most powerful sequences of yoga, and how to get to that magic number.

Surya Namaskar—or Sun Salutation—comprises a sequence of 12 poses, focusing on breath-work and movements. It is a full-body exercise, which is not just an impactful cardio workout, but is also good for the mind. 

It energizes the solar plexus or Manipura Chakra in the body, too, which is further connected to many other energy channels. 

The term comes from Sanskrit, where Surya means ‘the sun’, and Namaskar means ‘to bow down’ or ‘veneration’. Surya Namaskar is, traditionally, performed on an empty stomach at sunrise, facing the east; or at sunset, facing the west. However, it can also be done any time—as a warm-up, integrated into your routine, even a stand-alone workout. 

The variations and number of repetitions can differ, based on the practitioner and the purpose. One of the options—and the most challenging, perhaps—is the 108 Surya Namaskar version. 

The poses it usually includes: 

  1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose) 
  1. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose) 
  1. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend) 
  1. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose) 
  1. Dandasana (Stick Pose) 
  1. Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight Limbed Pose) 
  1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 
  1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) 
  1. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose) 
  1. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend) 
  1.  Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose) 
  1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose) 

 Benefits of Surya Namaskar:  

It is important to prep first: 

Surya Namaskar, especially at this level, requires not just immense stamina and a level of fitness, but also unwavering consistency and dedication. Keep these tips in mind, to gear up: 

  • Before starting, do consult your doctor if you have any pre-existing injuries, or mental/physical health conditions. 
  • Experts believe early mornings are the best time to practice. But whenever you decide to do Surya Namaskars, make sure your last meal was about 4-5 hours earlier. 
  • Always warm up properly, with easy asanas like Cat-Cow Pose, Child Pose, etc. Cooling down is just as important. You can do Cow Pose, Thunderbolt Pose, Yogic Sleep Pose, etc. 
  • Be mindful of your posture and breathing technique throughout, to yield maximum results and prevent injuries.  
  • It is recommended to begin with a certified yoga instructor. They can correct you were needed, monitor your progress, and modify the variations/repetitions according to your requirements. 
  • Doing 108 Surya Namaskars is tough. And it is likely, you won’t be able to do all 108 in one session right off the bat. Take the time you need. Instead of straining or injuring yourself, draw a weekly plan and increase sets gradually, until you can hit 108 without over-stressing yourself.  
  • Pay heed to your body. If you feel too tuckered out, take a break. Sometimes, even expert practitioners need rest, so don’t be hard on yourself. You can resume the practice once you feel ready. 


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