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Not now, but we aim to take our content to readers in multiple languages soon.
Not for now. But we might add such a facility on reader demand in the future.
No. We are a content-driven platform. We are not involved in any independent research or clinical trials.
No, HAPPIEST HEALTH does not prescribe any drugs. Readers are always encouraged to consult a qualified doctor in case of any health issues.
We will publish news related to health conditions and the topic of health and wellness.

You can find our organization in Bengaluru Karnataka.

HAPPIEST HEALTH aims to provide credible and trustworthy healthcare and wellness knowledge across formats to readers.
HAPPIEST HEALTH will strive to make sure our content is reliable, trustworthy and backed by peer-reviewed research.
The Happiest Health Information page provides access to Institute and Center resources based on scientific investigation. You will be to navigate to the specific diseases from the main menu in the page.
No, HAPPIEST HEALTH is a knowledge platform targeted at readers across the globe.
Not at all. We will inform you about modern health and wellness methods but also shine a light on kinder, gentler therapies.

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