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The many benefits of buttermilk according to Ayurveda

The many benefits of buttermilk according to Ayurveda

Many digestive problems can be managed with buttermilk. Here are some of the benefits of this humble drink
A glass of buttermilk.
Buttermilk is a popular probiotic drink consumed across India | Unsplashed

Ayurveda highly recommends the consumption of buttermilk both as food and medicine. The cool, white beverage is indicated in various health conditions ranging from irritable bowel disease (grahani) to haemorrhoids (arshas). It also says that those who consume buttermilk would not suffer from any digestive issues.

Buttermilk is a fermented milk product that has been known to humanity for a very long time. To this day, it remains popular as a healthy probiotic drink consumed by large sections of people across the country.

Old knowledge

One of the oldest references to benefits of buttermilk is said to be found in the ancient Rigveda. Detailed descriptions of buttermilk, including different types based on the methods of preparation, their qualities and recipes are found in the later works of Ayurveda such as Bhavaprakasha Samhita, Sharngadhara Samhita and Yoga Ratnakara.

Renowned 16th century Ayurvedic scholar Bhavamishra, in his landmark medicinal treatise titled Bhavaprakasha, likens buttermilk to nectar on Earth. He says that one who consumes buttermilk every day will never be affected by any disease. He also throws light on the method of its preparation, uses, indications and benefits of having buttermilk.

Buttermilk can be prepared in two ways – the traditional churning method and the culture method. In the first process, curd – or fermented milk – is conventionally churned and the cream is removed. The liquid that is left over is buttermilk.

Buttermilk is also prepared by fermenting milk. Unrefrigerated fresh milk turns sour due to warm climate.

Varieties of buttermilk

Buttermilk is prepared using curd and water in varying proportions. Ayurveda recognises five varieties.

  1. Ghola (with the cream): The curd is churned well and used without taking the resultant butter out. This version is nourishing but heavy to digest.
  2. Mathita: Here the curd is churned and used after removing the butter. This type of buttermilk is helpful in respiratory diseases.
  3. Takra (regular variety): Curd and water are taken in the proportion of 1:4 and churned thoroughly. In Ayurveda, this buttermilk is the most used and highly recommended for its probiotic benefits.
  4. Udashvit: Water and curd are taken in equal measure and churned well.
  5. Chacchika: The curd is churned and the butter that forms is removed. Plenty of water is added and the liquid is churned once again.

Qualities of buttermilk

Buttermilk is sweet (madhura), astringent (kashaya) and sour (amla) in taste. It is known to enhance the perception of taste and it also aids in digestion.

The qualities of buttermilk health benefits differ according to the source of the milk. Ayurveda ranks the milk and its products from the cow as being superior to the milk of other animals. Likewise, buttermilk obtained from cow’s milk is highly recommended. The buttermilk we get from buffalo’s milk is heavy to digest and is not recommended for daily consumption.

Churning vs culture

Churning is a mechanical process which helps in the proper separation of cream in two phases. Buttermilk is the watery portion; butterfat is the oily or fat portion. Fat globules (triglyceride globules) disrupt their membranes during the churning process which helps in the formation of a mass of fat globules (solidified butter fat). Once the solid fat is formed, buttermilk can be easily separated by draining. This buttermilk is devoid of high fat.

Cultured buttermilk is made with active bacteria and is said to build healthy bacteria in our stomach. The active cultures used in preparing this type of buttermilk come from the Lactococcus lactis family. Unlike churning, this method does not really follow a proper separation of fat.

Nutrition and health

Traditional Indian health practitioners as well as modern nutritionists vouch for the goodness of buttermilk benefits for skin as a wholesome addition to our diet and an excellent source of nutrients. It is known to contain essential minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and calcium, Vitamin B12, riboflavin, enzymes and protein.

  • Gut health: Buttermilk is good for a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
  • Indigestion: The drink enhances digestion by kindling the ‘digestive fire’ (the fire element in the body that is responsible for the digestive process).
  • Diarrhoea (atisara): Taking buttermilk controls loose stools.
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome): Buttermilk is prescribed as medicine and in diet.
  • Haemorrhoids: Buttermilk can be used along with other medicines such as triphala. (Three berries)

Quite a few Ayurveda formulations are prepared using buttermilk. Takrarishta is a formulation prepared by fermenting buttermilk and is used extensively in treating IBS and indigestion. Punarnavadi tailam is an oil that has buttermilk as one of the ingredients and is prescribed for external use in pain and swelling of joints.

Benefits of drinking buttermilk

  • When taken internally, it is used as food alongside medicine.
  • Externally, it is used in therapies such as ‘takra-dhara’, a special procedure wherein buttermilk is poured continuously and rhythmically over the forehead.
  • Buttermilk enema is a special procedure recommended for managing IBS.
  • ‘Sitz’ bath: Buttermilk without the fat is used as a liquid medium. A sitz bath is given for five to ten minutes.

Buttermilk remedies for common ailments

  • For indigestion and bloating: Buttermilk with a pinch of asafoetida
  • For diarrhoea: Buttermilk along with powdered ginger (dry rhizome is preferred) to curb loose stools.
  • For haemorrhoids: Buttermilk with chebulic myrobalan (dry haritaki or harad) to get rid of constipation.
  • For conditions of respiratory tract: Buttermilk is given with the powder of long pepper and dry ginger (popularly known as shunti.)
  • For burning urination/ dysuria: Buttermilk is taken with jaggery.

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