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Healthy ayurvedic herbs to burn fat

Healthy ayurvedic herbs to burn fat

These easy home remedies can boost your weight loss journey
herbs to burn fat
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Imagine you are committed to a weight loss regimen with systemic nutrition, exercise, and various weight loss strategies. What if the herbs readily available to you could provide an extra boost to your weight loss journey? The spices tucked away in your kitchen cabinet or the herbs surrounding you could potentially improve your metabolism and burn that fat which simply does not want to budge.

Ayurvedic views- on weight loss

Ayurveda views overweight and obesity as an accumulation of kapha or water elements. A weakened digestive fire or agni, and an uncontrolled mind cause this condition, leading to a buildup of ama (incompletely metabolised food) in the body.

Ayurveda adopts a holistic approach to managing the weakened digestive fire and improving the metabolism. This may encompass strategies such as fasting therapy and the use of digestive herbs to boost fat metabolism. Also dry-medicated powder massages, and the recommended ayurvedic diet helps. Furthermore, for managing obesity, experts advise engaging in physical exercise and purification therapy.

“Herbs, herbal supplements and spices can support your weight-loss efforts combined with good nutrition, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Guggulu or Indian Myrrh is perhaps the most effective herb for burning fat. It is available as decoctions, tablets, and supplements,” says Dr Swapna Madhavan, an ayurveda expert from Kerala.

Herbs for weight loss

Recent studies lead scientists to reconsider the idea that an individual’s weight is solely determined by the balance between calories consumed and expended. Instead, it suggests that factors like gut microbiota, digestive processes, the body’s metabolic function, and endocrine activity play pivotal roles.

Investigations are currently underway regarding the potential anti-obesity properties of various herbs. Some of them are moringa, false black pepper, garcinia, nutgrass, ginger, Indian gooseberry, sweet flag, tree turmeric, fenugreek, black pepper, and long pepper. “The research in this field holds significant promise,” says Dr Madhavan.

Some research

Some of the research on anti-obesity herbs shows that fenugreek, pepper, and moringa can help control appetite and reduce food intake. Research also suggests that black pepper and long pepper increase metabolism. Honey too has an anti-obesity property. A systemic review on the role of honey in obesity management shows that organic honey potentially aids weight loss.

Achieving the desired outcome with herbs and herbal supplements might require consistency and a bit of time. However, as studies have established, they can enhance metabolism, burns fat, reduces fat absorption, and lowers body fat percentage. certainly, help us manage our weight better. Hence ayurvedic experts recommend the consumption of these herbs in various forms – powder, juice extract, tea, and decoctions. Here is an infographic on easy home remedies that can boost your weight loss journey.

some home remedies for weight loss
Illustration by Dr Vishnupriya Warrier| Canva



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