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7 home remedies to manage tonsillitis

7 home remedies to manage tonsillitis

Happiest Health explores seven home remedies to alleviate sore throat, reduce inflammation, and provide comfort during mild cases of tonsillitis
Home remedies for tonsilitis
Representational image | Canva

Tonsillitis, characterised by inflammation of the tonsils, can bring discomfort, pain, and difficulty in swallowing. While seeking professional medical advice is important, several accessible and natural remedies may offer relief from the symptoms of tonsillitis.

Happiest Health explores seven home remedies to alleviate sore throat, reduce inflammation, and provide comfort during mild cases of tonsillitis. From time-tested methods to soothing concoctions, these remedies offer a holistic approach to managing tonsillitis symptoms in the comfort of your home. These simple ingredients and practices can contribute to a swifter recovery and help ease the challenges posed by this common throat condition.

According to Dr Shobha Subramanian-Itolikar, Consultant-Internal Medicine, Fortis Hospital Mulund, here are some home-remedies for tonsillitis :

  1. Salt water gargle

Gargling with salt water helps reduce inflammation by drawing excess fluid from the throat tissues. It also helps to flush out irritants and bacteria, promoting a cleaner and less irritated throat. Additionally, salt has mild antiseptic properties that can contribute to reducing microbial growth in the throat.

Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Stir it and gargle.

  1. Honey and warm water

Honey has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It forms a soothing coat over the throat, providing relief from irritation and cough. The stickiness of honey can help form a protective barrier, preventing further irritation and allowing the throat to heal.

Mix a tablespoon of honey in a cup of warm water and drink.

  1. Turmeric and milk

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. When combined with warm milk, it creates a soothing mixture that helps reduce inflammation, fight off bacterial infections, and alleviate discomfort.

Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk. Stir and drink  before going to bed.

  1. Hydration

Staying well-hydrated is important for overall health and can be particularly beneficial when dealing with tonsillitis. Adequate fluid intake helps prevent dehydration, soothes the throat, and flushes out toxins. Warm herbal teas, clear broths, and water are excellent choices. Hydration also aids in thinning mucus, making it easier to clear the airways.

  1. Humidifier

A humidifier adds moisture to the air, preventing the throat from becoming too dry. Moist air soothes the inflamed tonsils and helps relieve discomfort. It can also ease breathing and provide an  environment to heal.

This is especially helpful during the night when the air tends to be drier.

  1. Rest your voice

Resting your voice gives the vocal cords and throat tissues time to heal. Speaking loudly, yelling, or even whispering can strain the already irritated throat. By limiting vocal activities, you allow the inflamed tissues to recover, reducing the risk of further irritation and promoting a faster recovery. Communicate with gestures or writing when possible and give your voice the time it needs to recover.

  1. Take care of your respiratory health by

  • Eating healthy food loaded with vitamins and minerals
  • Engaging in regular pranayama or deep breathing exercises to clear our sinuses and airways and improving immunity
  • Avoiding active as well as passive smoking
  • Getting annual shot in individuals with frequent upper respiratory infections

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