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Wholesome nutrition: Tips for healthy eating and balanced diet

Wholesome nutrition: Tips for healthy eating and balanced diet

Ensure your platter has a healthy mix of vegetables and fruits and nutrients like protein, carbs, and fats when planning a balanced diet

Is your platter packed with wholesome food? That’s the secret of healthy food intake, say experts, adding that a quick bite many of us choose hardly offers nutritional benefits. Wholesome food includes fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, lean meat, grains and dairy products.

Along with daily exercises, ensuring adequate nutrition is necessary while the processed foods have taken over our dining table. Processed foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar come with the risks of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease in the long term. Happiest Health spoke to experts about adapting to healthy, mindful eating.

Dr Soumita Biswas, the chief nutritionist at Aster RV Hospital, Bangalore, says, “A wholesome platter means a balanced diet that includes five food groups — fruits and vegetables, starchy food, dairy, protein and fat.

A wholesome platter: Balanced diet to stay healthy

With a well-balanced diet, you acquire all essential nutrients in the right amounts to meet your daily requirements. For instance, protein is important for muscular growth and muscle strength, whereas adequate vitamins and minerals are required to avoid deficiencies.

Bangalore-based nutritionist Palak Punamiya mentions MyPlate, a nutrition guide by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), where the platter is mainly divided into four sections — vegetables, grains, proteins and fruits. “This includes vegetables that are sautéed, raw, boiled and steamed. Grains include carbs like chapati, rice, maize, and millet. The source of protein intake can be boiled or grilled chicken and fish (avoid deep-fried chicken) or even paneer, tofu, chana and lentils. Fruits include all kinds of fruits and fresh juices,” explains Punamiya. 

A typical meal must include a bowl of fruit that provides essential minerals and vitamins, one glass of milk for calcium, and one cup of curd for probiotics, adds Punamiya. 

Follow portion control and mindful eating

Punamiya suggests that people of all ages should consider eating a balanced diet with portion control measures. Portion management is important since it allows you to eat the right calories.

“One should include the right amount of fiber in the diet as it satisfies you fully and prevents you from feeling hungry for a long time,” adds Dr Biswas.

According to Punamiya, you should be cautious about the plate size in which you eat your meal. “You should use a smaller plate and if possible, measure what you’re eating,” she says.

Experts point out that people turn to emotional eating (binge eating when stressed), ignoring mindful eating. Punamiya opposes the practice of watching any screen while eating. “Watching a television or mobile device while eating can lead to overeating in many,” says Punamiya

Experts unanimously agree when they say it is also crucial to strike a balance between consuming and burning calories through physical activities such as walking, jogging, and going to the gym.

Avoid processed foods

Dr Gurulakshmi Moorthy, consultant endocrinologist at Gleneagles Hospitals in Chennai, says choosing foods high in protein and fiber helps you feel full and satisfied. “It is important to avoid overly processed foods that are heavy in calories but low in nutrients,” says Dr Moorthy.

Those with busy lifestyles tend to eat a lot of processed food during their snacking time. Instead of choosing processed foods, Punamiya suggests that one must plan for healthy snacks, which can be a better alternative. Eating a fruit or some nuts can curb the hunger pangs. A bowl of curd can be consumed instead of a smoothie as the latter would increase weight. She suggests healthy snack options such as:

  • Fruit with peanut butter or yogurt
  • A mixture of almonds and dates
  • Slices of cucumber or some beetroot

How to adapt to a wholesome diet at home

People often come across challenges while trying to start on a wholesome diet. However, experts suggest that this can be made easy by planning. Punamiya recommends planning meals ahead of time and sticking to a grocery list while shopping.

The convenience of ordering food at any time may lead to overconsumption and bad food choices.

“By minimizing the presence of junk food at home, people can reduce accessibility and the temptation to eat unhealthily,” Dr Moorthy points out, adding that storing healthy and nutritious food options at home will support healthy eating.

Adding to that, Dr Biswas says, “One should opt for home-cooked food as the food from outside can contain high amounts of sugar, salt, or preservatives and high calories. We should always use whole grains rather than refined ones.”

Keep yourself hydrated

In addition to drinking tender coconut water, one can also eat a variety of fruits and vegetables that are high in water content, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons, and berries, to help with dehydration, says Punamiya.


  • Ensure your platter has a healthy mix of vegetables, grains, protein and fruits. 
  • Nutrients like protein, carbs, and fats are important when planning a balanced diet. 
  • Portion control strategies, like using smaller plates to eat and measuring cups to estimate, can help avoid overeating. 
  • Minimise storing junk food at home and opt for home-cooked meals. 
  • Opt for whole grains and avoid refined carbohydrates.

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