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Reasons why you might need a social media break

Reasons why you might need a social media break

Experts point out some telltale signs that suggest it is time to take a break from our gadgets and social media apps
Why you need a social media break?
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From the first thing we check in the morning, to the last one at the end of the day – social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. From news to new recipes, to the latest fashion, technology, and anything else we can think of, social media has it all. It influences how we connect, communicate, and consume information. While it does come with its own set of benefits, the downside of social media is also well-documented.

With our hands instinctively reaching out to doomscroll whenever we manage to find a quiet moment, the mental health implications of excessive social media can no longer be ignored.

In 2020, researchers from California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences and Psychology found that excessive use of social media is linked to a rise in symptoms of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and poor self-image.

What are some telltale signs that you are in dire need of a social media break? Happiest Health finds out from experts.

Constant comparison

One of the most common signs that it is time to take a step back from social media is the constant comparison to others.

“I have seen so many clients who feel dissatisfied with themselves and their lives and so many times it’s because of what they see on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or other such platforms,” says Mehal Sharma, Jaipur-based psychologist.

She says that many times what we see on these platforms is the rosy perspective of their lives that only highlights their achievements and happy moments. This makes us feel ‘less than’ for not being happy all the time.

“It is important to step away from this and try to focus on our achievements and realise that everyone’s journey is unique,” says Sharma.

Effect on productivity

“People often think that scrolling through these apps is a way to unwind. But it can be quite the opposite. Being on social media takes up a lot of our mental energy and that means we have less energy for other things,” says Sharma.

The constant stream of notifications and the allure of endless scrolling can be a significant distraction, affecting our ability to focus on tasks. This can reduce our overall productivity, leaving us with less mental energy to focus on other important things.

Sharma says that feeling depleted instead of replenished after spending time on social media is a sign that we need to take a break.

Sleep disturbances

In 2021, researchers at Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, discovered that using social media before bedtime adversely affected sleep quality, decreased sleep duration, and led to daily dysfunction. It also found that the blue light emitted by screens can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

The lack of sleep can be a huge contributor to a decline in mental health. If we find ourselves scrolling mindlessly late into the night, and wake up feeling exhausted, it is another important indicator that it might be time for a break from social media.

Neglect of real-life relationships

While social media acts as a source of connection and may give us a sense of belongingness, it can also take away from our real-life relationships. When social media starts to take precedence over real-life interactions, it may indicate the need for a break.

“It is important to assess if we are being able to be present in our real-life relationships,” says Sharma. Finding ourselves scrolling through social media while spending time with our loved ones may be a sign that we are neglecting our real-life relationships, she says. “Building and maintaining meaningful relationships offline is very important.”

Thus, while social media can be a valuable tool for connection and information, it is essential to recognise when it starts to have a detrimental effect on our mental and emotional health. Taking a break from social media can help us refocus on ourselves and re-align with our priorities.

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