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Autumn asanas that balance us inside

Autumn asanas that balance us inside

Engage in a yoga routine to restore your energy and get back to calm during this autumn

The autumn or fall season is usually around September and October in India. The season brings in us qualities such as coolness, dryness, and a touch of roughness— a welcome change after the monsoon.

Ayurveda experts say that during this time, people may experience an imbalance in both vata (the air element) and pitta (the fire element).

When vata is balanced, it can make each of us incredibly creative and productive.

However, the excessive vata typical of this season could upset the balance of the three core elements or tridoshas. Excess vata can result in an overactive mind, anxious thoughts, restlessness, sleep disturbances and even insomnia.

A few simple practices of yoga and pranayama can restore the vata balance.

Embrace the beauty of autumn as you engage in an invigorating autumn yoga practice. During this season, immerse yourself in a yoga practice that consists of smooth, deliberate movements that build core strength and flexibility. Let the falling leaves inspire your flow and tranquility amidst the changing colours of nature.

“Aim to maintain a consistent and slow pace in your yoga routine,” says Dr Amrutha S M, naturopathy and yoga consultant, VYOM Health, Bengaluru.

She adds that consistent yoga practice during this time of the year can alleviate anxiety, promote a calm mind, enhance concentration and contribute to better sleep. At the end of the day’s practice, she says, one should always include pranayama, meditation or an extended session of relaxation.

Make the most of all the changes that autumn brings with these practices that gently nudge you to stillness, with the balance back again, as you prepare for winter, the next change.

Experts recommend a few yoga poses to follow during autumn

  • The fish pose (matsyasana)
  • The cobra pose (bhujangasana)
  • The revolved triangle Pose (parivritta trikonasana)
  • The bow pose (dhanurasana)
  • The bridge pose (setu bandhasana)
  • The camel pose (ushtrasana)
  • The warrior pose (Veerabhadrasana)
Illustration by Dr Vishnupriya warrier | Canva

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